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Surrounding area

haus und kirsche

Surrounding area is called here naturally first Buxtehude.  These 20000 souls city borders on the largest area of cultivation of fruit of Europe:  the Alte Land.  The nearest large city is Hamburg.  By the Elbe and the city Stade is limited Altes Land in the north and the west. This side is to thus arrange now by linking impressions for you to Hamburg, Buxtehude, Stade and to Altes Land, so that you can in approximately present in which for a fantastic environment our small hotel are convenient.  In the following one you find various linking approximately to the
most diverse leisure offers around Buxtehude.
Visit simply by left the respective Hompages
around itself more near to inform...



buxtehude logo                           hamburg logo



Tourismusverband Landkreis Stade

Hamburg Dungeon

Magic Park Verden

Hamburger Stadtrundfahrten

Moisburger Mühlenmuseum

Heidepark Resort

Feuerwehrmuseum Marxen

St. Pauli Theater

Maritime Landschaft Unterelbe

Planetarium Hamburg

Serengeti Park Hodenhagen/Walsrode


Vogelpark Walsrode

Schmidt Tivoli

Der Moorexpress

Internationales Maritimes Museum Hamburg

Wildpark Lüneburger Heide

Elefantenhof Platschow

Alles über das Alte Land

Semmel Concerts

Über Buxtehude


Interessante Links aus der Region Verkehrsmittel
http://www.maritime-touren.de/ www.hvv.de
http://www.garage-buxtehude.de www.evb-elbe-weser.de



